
A Scalable and Future-proof Charging Solution

Marma's adaptable and universal charging technology exemplifies Standab's commitment to offering cities and operators a sustainable, efficient, and user-friendly parking solution. Designed for seamless integration into a variety of parking infrastructure types, whether provided by Standab or others, Marma ensures broad compatibility and flexibility across diverse urban settings.

A key focus in its design has been creating the easiest possible docking experience for users, which, in turn, eliminates the need for end-ride photos. In line with Standab's forward-thinking and operator-first philosophy.

Marma charging hubs are not only versatile and adaptable but also modular and future-proof. These hubs, ready to be installed onto variously designed parking infrastructure hardware, are already compatible with a wide range of vehicles from leading operators. This demonstrates Standab's dedication to serving both operators and cities with an unbiased approach, prioritizing functionality and adaptability in shared micromobility.